Tequila Commercial

Tequilla Funny PictureFeelings of inadequacy? Shyness? Wish you were more assertive? Ask your doctor about Tequilao, the natural way to feel more confident. Tequilao will ease you out of shyness and tell the world that you're willing to do anything. And Tequilao works almost immediately. With a regimen of regular doses, shyness and awkwardness become a thing of the past and you'll discover talents you never knew you had. Warning: Tequilao may not be right for everyone. Pregnant and nursing women should not use Tequilao although women who want to become pregnant should give it a try. Side effects include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, incarceration, erotic lust, loss of motor control, loss of clothing, loss of money, loss of virginity, delusions of grandeur, table dancing, headaches, dehydration, dry mouth, a desire to sing karaoke, and may lead to all-night bouts of truth or dare, strip poker, or naked twister.
"Tequilao: Leave shyness behind!"

tnx Al Lowe


Anonymous said...

i luv the audible version. very fuuny

Anonymous said...

I love that comercial. My school had a speaker come in yesturday to talk about the realities of drinking vs. how the media makes it look so that you'll buy it. Everyone in the auditorium was laughing hysterically at this. It's all true, but put together in a way that just has to make you laugh.