Anti Chuck Norris Facts

chuck norris facts

Let's continue Chuck Norris issue...
What would be dumber than Chuck Norris Facts? Of course Anti Chuck Norris Facts!
I've selected several. I'll try not to bore you to death.

Chuck Norris adopted a young black child so he could test out his racist jokes first.

If you yell "Chuck Norris" into the Grand Canyon, it echoes back "is a pu$$y."

Chuck Norris' farts are silent and deadly. Deadly because he's Chuck Norris, silent because his butthole is extremely loose.

Chuck Norris once became popular for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Chuck Norris will ram his rod straight down the throat of anyone who calls him gay. He's just funny like that.

Chuck Norris found this page and said, "Sh*t! I guess my unfounded and unearned popularity is over." He spent the next four hours lying face down on his silk duvet cover crying into a down pillow. Anything less wouldn't have provided enough comfort.

Chuck Norris once walked into a gay bar because he wanted to. Another time, he walked into another gay bar. Now, it is a weekly habit.

Richard Simmons once told Chuck Norris to quit acting like such a fag.


Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris would kick your ass if he saw this.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris has been confused with Santa Clause, because whenever he enters a little boy's room he leaves with an empty sack.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatlly no one has heard from B4t1st4 since May 24, 2008 because Chuck Norris entered their room and unleashed a roundhouse kick to the face!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes please tell me atleast one time (Not on television, or in a staged kung fu tournament) where Chuck Norris has ever roundhoused kicked anyone and killed them. The "facts" started only as jokes, but people now practically worship Chuck Norris. Have yall even watched his movies? If so, then good job, and if you truly like them then support the facts. If not quit following trends, and how about read about a real man. Jesus Christ, and the cool things about Jesus facts is they are true. God create Chuck Norris not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris would like to thank all the closeted fag fan boys who jerk off to him daily

FF said...

B4t1st4 is still alive and well.

All the Chuck Norris supporters were prized with a night with Chuck Norris... he just prepared his rim for the boys.

Anonymous said...

Chuck Norris has a tiny pink penis