Smart sniffer dog

Bill was in the window seat on an airliner when another man sat in the aisle seat and put his dog in the seat between them. When Bill looked quizzically at the dog, the other man explained that they were both airline employees. "Rover's a sniffer dog, one of the best. After we're airborne, I'll show you." Once they had leveled off, the handler commanded, "Rover: search!" The dog jumped down, walked down the aisle, stood beside a woman for a few seconds, then returned to its seat and put a paw on his handler's arm. "Good boy!" He turns to Bill and said, "That woman is in possession of marijuana. I've noted her seat number so the police can apprehend her on our arrival." "Impressive!" replied Bill. The dog returned to the aisle, sniffed a little, stood beside a man for a few seconds, then returned to its seat and placed both paws on the handler's arm. "Good dog!" The airline rep said, "That man is carrying cocaine. I've noted his seat number so the police can apprehend him on arrival." Bill was even more impressed. Soon Rover was back to work, went down the aisle, stood next to a man, and then raced back, jumped up on his seat, and pooped. Surprised and disgusted, Bill asked, "What the hell is this?" And the handler nervously replied, "He just found a bomb!"

tnx Al Lowe


Unknown said...

sorry, not funny.

Nick Honchar said...

A don't know, man. Please don't take it too seriously. Is there taboo on bomb jokes after 9/11?
This is just a joke.